Latest in L-NU & SDGs

University Measures the Sustainability Literacy of Students
Lyceum Northwestern University (LNU) is committed to measuring and enhancing the sustainability...

University Has Dedicated Outreach Educational Activities for the Wider Community, Including Alumni, Local Residents, and Displaced People
Lyceum Northwestern University’s programs like the Adapt a Classmate Program, Project RIMES...

University Offers Dedicated Courses Addressing Sustainability and the SDGs

University Commits to Meaningful Education Around the SDGs That is Relevant and Applicable to All Students
SDG Mapping for Each Subject As a result of the write shop, SDG mapping has been incorporated into...

University Publishes Progress Against SDG17

3: Good Health and well Being
We prioritize mental and physical health by offering counseling services, wellness programs, and access to healthcare. Our initiatives support a healthy, supportive campus environment.

4: Quality Education
We offer high-quality education with a focus on sustainability, providing students with the skills and knowledge to address global challenges. Our curriculum integrates sustainability principles, and we support research that drives positive change.

16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
We promote a fair, transparent, and inclusive campus environment by supporting justice, strong governance, and civic engagement. Our policies and practices aim to foster peace and institutional integrity.

17: Partnership
We foster collaborations with local governments, businesses, and organizations to advance sustainability. Our partnerships leverage collective expertise to address global challenges and promote sustainable development.